This is a one player pong game.
The left paddle is the player avatar.
It is controlled by the up and down arrows.
Pick whether you want the paddle to move fast or slow.
Then pick the angle the ball will move in.
Bounce the ball past the other paddle to score.
Score five points to score a round point
Score two round points to win.
This is a Two player pong game.
The left paddle is controlled by the W, and S keys.
The right paddle is controlled by the up, and down arrows.
Read One player pong for point system and gameplay information.
This can be one and two player pong.
Pick one or two players.
Then pick music or no music.
If the game asks 1-4, then restart it.
That is one of two bugs i have noticed
I am in the process of fixing it.
It seems to be time related.
So pick fast.
then pick the type of music.
Then pick 1-4, which decides the angle that launches the ball.
This doesnt have speed control.